RSS74 - VERSION 0.3 First release: Dec 21, 2006 / Last update: Dec 21, 2006 ===================================================================== WHAT IS RSS74? RSS74 is a PHP class with that you can create RSS files. It provides a simple interface to do that. Just look at the examples. The latest version of RSS74 can be obtained from: -> BACKGROUND / IDEA: Till now I created several projects that are using RSS feeds to distribute news. So I needed a simple way to create RSS feeds, and RSS74 is the result. WHY RSS74? Because names like "SimpleRSS", "EasyRSS", etc are already in use. The 74 stands for the ASCII character 'J' -- like in Jonas :-) HOW TO USE: Just include the "inc.rss74.php" file into your PHP scripts and look at the examples (examples/) to get an idea of how to use the class. It should be very simple :-) REQUIREMENTS: RSS74 just requires PHP. I don't know the required version, I tested and developed RSS74 with PHP 4.4.2. CONTACT: If you have any suggestions or further questions feel free to contact the author. DONATING: Thanks for choosing another free PHP class from ! If you want to support future developments of existing and new classes, you can donate something :-) Any sort of donation would be greatly appreciated, but is not necessary. Here you can find some more Information: Thanks very much ! CREDITS: The feed icon is from: COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2006, Jonas John. All rights reserved. RSS74 is is released under the BSD License, see license.txt for more details.